jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Book Review

Animal Farm is an absolutely fantastic book. For me it has been an amazing experience because I thought I would do something else. This book is to people who likes politics and to analyze the context and the history about our world. Then you can read with willingness and emotion this story made for fragments of the real history, in this case by Orwell in the Russian Revolution in 1917.

Something amazing with this book is that you can read it many times and always you can make a relation with the reality and the actuality. Is greathow the author uses animals to typify the problematic in that age but caring out every word; we can use many of that representations to refer our own society and goverment.

We would recommending this book to anyone who wants to open his mind and a differents perspective of the real world but with subtle words.

Conflicts, Causes and Effects



One obvious external conflict is between the humans and the animals on the farm. They are both between Mr. Jones who initially owned the farm as well as Mr. Frederik who later attacks the farm and the other farm owners who opposed the farm and its new reign.

There are also outspoken conflicts inside the farm, the major one beign between the pigs Snowball and Napoleon that can be seen in the first quote. This which then resulted in Napoleon Raising ferocious dogs to run Snowball of the property of Animal Farm and blame all future malfunctions on Snowball.


  • Three nights later of Mr.Jones speech , he dies in his sleep and for three months the animals make secret preparations to carry out the old pig´sdying wich of wresting control of the farm from Mr. Jonson.
  • When the old Major died, the two pigs named Napoleon and Snowball they formulated the principles of a philosophy called Animalism.
  • When Mr. Jones whiped the cows, the animals turn on the man, attack them, and easily chase them from the farm.
  • After obliterating all sings of Mr. Jones, the animals enjoy a souble ration of corn and sing "Beasts of England" seven times through, until it is time to sleep.
  • Many of the animals are unable to memorize the Seven Commandments, Snowball reduces the principles to one essential maxim, which he says contains the heart of Animalism: "Four legs good, two legs bad".
  • After Snowball created the one essential maxim, the birds take offense until Snowball hastily explains that wings count as legs.

Characters, Settings and Vocabulary


Cows, Pigs, sheeps, Pigeons, Bulls, Rats, Donkey, Raven, Humans, Foxes, Goats, Lawyer human. Three dogs: Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher. Two cart-horses, Boxer and Clover. Snowball and Napoleon (pigs).


Animal farm is a satirical novel published in 1945 in England. It novel was wrote during the second world war, there began to be known by the public until the late 1950s. this book is about how the Soviet regime of Losif Stalin corrupt the socialism.

The author of the novel Mr. George Orwell was a British writer and journalist born in England his position is against the imperialism after having observed and experienced the living conditions of the social classes of workers in London and Paris; against the Nazi and Stalinist totalitarianism after his participation in the Spanish Civil War. During the first decades of the Twentieth century. 

Hen House

knoll: loma, Farm house. Animal farm. Hospital
Hen house- Gallineros
Lurched- Tambaleaba
Flutrering: Aleteo
Barn: Granero
Tushes- Colmillos
steadiness: Firmeza
Duty: derechos
Grumble: queja
wisdom: sabiduría, juicio.
Astray: mal camino
Hoarse : Ronca
Whips : latigos
oats : Avena
Idle: vago, flojo, inactivo..
Hoof: Pezuña
Paw: pata
Whelped: Parido
Mingle: Mezclarse
Mud: Barro
Windmill: Molinos de viento
Engage: participar
blankest: Mantas,cobijas
beyond: Más allá, más de
Delays: Retraso, demora

Quarry: V. Extraer, S. Cantera, mina
Outcry: Protesta, gritar
Wickedness: Maldad, crueldad

Thou: Tú
readjustment: Reajuste