jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Characters, Settings and Vocabulary


Cows, Pigs, sheeps, Pigeons, Bulls, Rats, Donkey, Raven, Humans, Foxes, Goats, Lawyer human. Three dogs: Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher. Two cart-horses, Boxer and Clover. Snowball and Napoleon (pigs).


Animal farm is a satirical novel published in 1945 in England. It novel was wrote during the second world war, there began to be known by the public until the late 1950s. this book is about how the Soviet regime of Losif Stalin corrupt the socialism.

The author of the novel Mr. George Orwell was a British writer and journalist born in England his position is against the imperialism after having observed and experienced the living conditions of the social classes of workers in London and Paris; against the Nazi and Stalinist totalitarianism after his participation in the Spanish Civil War. During the first decades of the Twentieth century. 

Hen House

knoll: loma, Farm house. Animal farm. Hospital
Hen house- Gallineros
Lurched- Tambaleaba
Flutrering: Aleteo
Barn: Granero
Tushes- Colmillos
steadiness: Firmeza
Duty: derechos
Grumble: queja
wisdom: sabiduría, juicio.
Astray: mal camino
Hoarse : Ronca
Whips : latigos
oats : Avena
Idle: vago, flojo, inactivo..
Hoof: Pezuña
Paw: pata
Whelped: Parido
Mingle: Mezclarse
Mud: Barro
Windmill: Molinos de viento
Engage: participar
blankest: Mantas,cobijas
beyond: Más allá, más de
Delays: Retraso, demora

Quarry: V. Extraer, S. Cantera, mina
Outcry: Protesta, gritar
Wickedness: Maldad, crueldad

Thou: Tú
readjustment: Reajuste

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